How to draw a MALE FACE with pencils..
How to draw a MALE FACE with pencils is an easy lesson in how to draw interesting faces, here are a few tips on how to get started: 1. Find a picture of a Male face on the public domain sites. 2. Draw Freehand by printing out the picture or put a grid on the picture. 3. Put the picture next to your drawing paper and measure the top of the head from ear to ear and top of the head to chin. 4.The eyes go about halfway. 5.The nose go halfway between the eyes and chin, and as wide as the corners of the eyes. 6. The lips go halfway between the nose and chin. and the edge of the lips go to the center of the eyes. 7. There is one eye wide between the eyes.. 8. The bottom of the ears are across the bottom of the nose. 9. The eyebrows are at the top of the ears. 10. The neck is just as wide as the earlobes.. Have a look at my video to learn how to draw a face... Here is a link to my Amazon for these great pencils for Drawing ..